Orders are processed domestically within 24 hours. And the shipping time is normally 5-7 business days
- For orders from USA and Canada location, parcels will be shipped by FedEx or UPS.
- For orders from EU location, parcels will be shipped by DPD, DHL or GLS.
- For orders from UK location, parcels will be shipped by Yodel, Royal or Hermes.
For large items, like 20FT/6M Air Floor, handling would takes several more days.
Since all orders will be handled locally, buyers DO NOT have to deal with the customs duty at all.
Note: For customers from the UK, if you want to order an airtrack from EU location, please be noted that there is a possibility of customs fee.
Handling Time
We ship in one business day after payment confirmed. Our working days are except weekend.
Combining Shipping
Shipping fee is charged according to parcel weight, rather than quantity, so the shipping fee would not be saved even if we combine multiple items.
If you buy more than one, it is necessary for you to pay shipping fee for each one. Your understanding would be highly appreciated.
Check order status
We will update the shipping status in 1 business day after the shipping, please login your account to check the tracking number.